How It All Began

'GQ Skippy' Headshot-1995
Since the wee age of 8, Flip Schultz knew he wanted to be a stand-up comedian. It was at this age that he won a talent show for doing stand-up and beating the more "popular" kids who did singing and dancing cliché!

For a while, Flip performed wherever he could find an audience, whether at a family get together or at one of the many bar-mitzvahs he attended as a youngster.

Finally, at the age of 18, Flip braved a "real" comedy stage (which doubled as a bar) and won the open mic contest. For the next two years Flip kissed ass, annoyed club owners and got stage time as much as possible. (while still attending school for his degree) It paid off when Flip started to make money...both he and his parents were very happy about that one.