Fuck, I am really slacking on this thing. Too lazy lately.

I've been looking at myself now compared to where I was when I started this blog almost 8 years ago. Back then I was always updating this, always going to the Improv, always pushing myself. Now; shit I'm so complacent and lazy.

I need to get myself out of this.

I have got to find that fire I once had and give it some gasoline. I just don't know how exactly to do this. My mind is in 100 places at once, and all of those places seem to lead me to my new recliner.

As a matter of fact, I am going to go out and enjoy this day. I'm going to ride my bicycle; get some fresh air and just think. No, I'm going to finish reading a book I started months ago.

As much as I need to push myself with my career, I also need to push myself with my sanity and my brain. I need mental stimulation.

And you know what, why don't you stop reading this for a minute and...well, I was going to write 'read something', but then I would just have negated what I just wrote. So let me ammend that and say, why don't you get offline and enjoy today. Go outside and take in everything. I'm out.