Flip Schultz is the next big star. Just ask Ed McMahon. Schultz was a winner on the show, "Ed McMahon's Next Big Star", and can now be seen on the big screen in the comedy "Big Trouble". A 1996 graduate of Broward Community College, Flip started doing stand up comedy at age 8. Acting is what brought him to BCC.

Following BCC, Flip went on to receive his BFA from Florida Atlantic University in 1999. While pursuing his education, Flip continued to perfect his stand-up act, often performing at South Florida comedy clubs and even making guest "appearances" on radio station Y-100.

Not too long ago Flip relocated to Los Angeles to be closer to Hollywood. The move paid off. He has a part in the comedy/action film "Big Trouble" in which he plays a co-pilot of a hijacked plane. The cast includes such big names as Tim Allen, Rene Russo, Janeane Garofalo, and Johnny Knoxville.

The movie was not without some controversy though. "Big Trouble" was set for release last fall, but was delayed after the terrorist attacks of September 11th. The movie's plot involves sneaking a nuclear warhead onto a plane and hijacking it. Film executives agreed that the content of the movie was inappropriate for debut at that time. When asked if he agreed with the delay, Flip said, "Now is a much better time to release it. People are ready to laugh again."

This funny man was not going got miss his first movie premiere, even though he wasn't invited. Flip decided he would crash the party, if necessary. Once at the premiere, Flip went to the will call window and to his surprise there was a ticket waiting for him. He took that stroll down the red carpet and posed for the paparazzi. Once inside the theatre Flip found himself surrounded by celebrities such as Will Smith and Cameron Crowe.

Even though he is living in the silicon capital of the world, Flip is still the same humorous, approachable guy he was when he went to BCC. When asked what his BCC professors would say about him now, Flip quickly replied, "Did he pay off his student loans yet?" Deborah Sanchez, BCC theatre professor, said this about her former student, "Everyone who meets him, likes him. He is amazing and original."

This is a man who said if he was a contestant on Survivor he would bring a TV, microwave, and a doctor's note. Flip will definitely tickle your funny bone. "An ostrich on PCP", is the way comedian George Carlin refers to Flip and his comedy act.

And ladies, Flip's single!

So, the next time you attend a play or theatre arts event at BCC remember, this could be the next Flip Schultz. For more information about Flip Schultz please visit his website at www.flipschultz.com.